

Using the animation option in Bevy Design, you can add life to elements in your campaign and create attractive campaigns that are sure to grab the attention of visitors to your website. You can access the animation option by clicking on any element, and then clicking on animations on the left side panel in Bevy Builder.

Screenshot of Bevy Builder Animation Options

Setting Animation Timing

There are three timing options for triggering animations.

  • On Load - The animation will happen when the campaign is loaded
  • On Hover - The animation will be triggered when your mouse pointer hovers over the selected element
  • On Exit - The animation will happen when the campaign is closed

Animation Options

These animation options will dictate the type of animation and the direction in which it will move, along with other more intricate details.

Set Animation

Allows you to set the type of animation, which includes No Animation, Slide In, Fade, and Size.


Allows you to preview the animation for the specific element, and compare it with the animation of other elements in the campaign.

Flow Direction

Allows you to set which direction the animation will travel from/to. There are 8 directions available.


It determines the size of the element at the beginning of the animation. 50% is half size, and 200% is double the size.


It sets the distance (in pixels) from which the animation will travel from/to.

Starting Opacity

It sets the opacity of the element at the start of the animation. 0 is fully transparent, 0.5 is 50% transparent (or translucent), 1 is fully visible.


It sets how long after being triggered the animation will appear.


It sets how long the animation will run for.

Animation Types

For each type of Animation timing option, there are certain animation types that the user can set certain types of animations.

On Load

  • No Animation - There will be no animation on the element
  • Slide In - The element will slide into the canvas
  • Fade In - The element will fade into the canvas
  • Size - The element will either shrink or enlarge into the canvas

On Hover

  • No Animation - There will be no animation on the element
  • Slide - The element will slide slightly towards whatever direction you set
  • Size - The element will either shrink or enlarge when hovered upon

On Exit

  • No Animation - There will be no animation on the element
  • Slide Out - The element will slide out of the canvas
  • Fade Out - The element will fade out of the canvas
  • Size - The element will either shrink or enlarge into the canvas
Last updated on 29th Nov 2021