Advanced Display Options

Bevy Design allows you to take control of your website in awesome ways whenever your overlay launches.

Screenshot of Bevy Builder Display Options

Dim Page

This option allows the background to be dimmed when a campaign is displayed. However, this option is ignored for campaigns with site interactions turned on.

Fill Screen

This option makes the campaign extend horizontally to the full size of the window.

Background Fill

This option makes the campaign background extend to the full size of the window.

Lock Scrolling

This option prevents users from scrolling on your site when the campaign is displayed.

Lock Background

This option restricts the standard Bevy Design behavior of dismissing overlays once any area outside of the overlay is clicked.

IMPORTANT: Remember, enabling lock background can be VERY intrusive. Make sure you add a Cancel/Close Action to an element to allow users to navigate back to your page.

Allow Multiple Popups

This option allows you to display multiple campaigns on the same page.

Allow Site Interactions

This option allows users to navigate your page while the campaign remains visible

Hide on Desktop

This option stops the campaign from being displayed on desktop devices.

Hide on Mobile

This option stops the campaign from being displayed on mobile devices.

Last updated on 19th Oct 2021